Project SIMPLE - Erasamus+ EU programme for education


Activities are divided into following five workpackages:

WP 1: Preparation: Assessment studies of Alumni Centres and cooperation with enterprises and Guidelines of best practice examples for Alumni Centers.

  • Activity 1.1. Writing in-depth Assessment study of the examples of good practises of Alumni centres.
  • Activity 1.2. Analysing potential cooperation with non-academic sector (enterprises)
  • Activity 1.3. Organization of workshop of “Best practices of Alumni Centres”.
  • Activity 1.4. Preparation of Guidelines of best practice examples for Alumni Centres.

WP 2: Development: Establishment and mutual cooperation of Alumni Centres and Platforms for Cooperation with Professional Sector.

  • Activity 2.1. Establishment of the Alumni Centres at project partners universities in Cambodia, Indonesia and Thailand.
  • Activity 2.2. Organizing training course for staff of Asian Alumni centres provided in EU.
  • Activity 2.3. Foundation of the Platforms for Cooperation with Professional Sector (PC-PS) at all project partners’ universities in Asia
  • Activity 2.4. Preparation of the Action plan for cooperation with non-academic sector with involved universities and EU-Asia companies.

WP 3: Quality plan: Including the practical internships and trainings of soft skills into the curricula of the study programmes.

  • Activity 3.1. Introduction of practical training (internships) into the curriculum of the study programmes at Asian universities with connection of experiences with PC-PS.
  • Activity 3.2. Organization of internships of high quality for the students thanks to networking among Alumni Centres and PC-PS.
  • Activity 3.3. Evaluation of the quality of organized internships – preparing the evaluation report.
  • Activity 3.4. Support of guest lectures provided by representatives of enterprises at Asian HEIs

WP 4: Dissemination and Exploitation: Organization of Career days and Promotion of joint cooperation of Alumni Centres and Platforms for Cooperation with Professional Sector with respect to innovation of curricula.

  • Activity 4.1. Organization of Career Days at Asian universities together with PC-PS.
  • Activity 4.2. Promoting activities of Alumni Centres and PC-PS.
  • Activity 4.3. Prepare Feasibility study of Alumni Centres and PC-PS for dissemination.
  • Activity 4.4 Support of exchange know-how and experiences among EU and Asian Alumni Centres and PC-PS.

WP 5: Management: Joint coordination of project activities.

  • Activity 5.1. Hosting project Kick-off meeting
  • Activity 5.2. Providing interactive websites and LinkedIn profiles.
  • Activity 5.3. Organizing Final project conference to disseminate project outputs.