We are pleased to provide you with some of the current job openings across the globe at AKADEUS, your network of careers
Director of the Grande Ecole Programme
HEADway Advisory / Grenoble Ecole de Management - Grenoble
Associate / Full Professor in International Negotiation or Sales Management
IÉSEG School of Management - Lille or Paris
Assistant or Associate Professor in Entrepreneurship and Innovation
École de Management Léonard de Vinci - Paris
Assistant, Associate or Full Professor in Management
SKEMA Business School - Paris, Lille or Sophia Antipolis
- Professor / Head of Information Systems, Supply Chain Management & Decision-Making Department
HEADway Advisory - Paris / Reims / Rouen
Professor / Head of People and Organisations Department
HEADway Advisory / NEOMA Business School - Paris / Reims / Rouen
14 Positions in Accounting, Big Data, Finance, Econometrics, Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Strategy, Human Resources Management
EDHEC Business School - Lille, Nice
- Assistant / Associate Professor in Entrepreneurship
Audencia - Nantes
- Lecturer in Management Control
IÉSEG School of Management - Lille or Paris
- Assistant / Associate Professor in Auditing
IÉSEG School of Management - Lille or Paris
- Assistant / Associate Professor in Organizational Behavior / Human Resources
Audencia - Nantes
- Associate / Full Professor in Management Information Systems
Audencia - Nantes
- Assistant / Associate / Full Professor in Law
IÉSEG School of Management - Lille
- Responsable du Département des Langues
HEADway Advisory / Groupe Léonard de Vinci - Paris
- Full Professor in Applied Mathematics or Computer Science in the broad area of Big Data / Data Sciences and Artificial Intelligence
Université Paris-Dauphine - Paris
- Assistant / Associate Professor in Digital Strategy and Organization
Télécom ParisTech - Paris
- Full Professor in Marketing, with special expertise in Marketing and Technology
SKEMA Business School - Paris, Lille or Sophia-Antipolis (Nice)
- Director of Accreditations and Institutional Research
HEADway Advisory / KEDGE Business School - Paris / Marseille / Bordeaux
- Assistant or Associate Professor in Consumer Behavior in Social and Innovation Marketing
TBS - Toulouse
- Assistant or Associate Professor in Digital / Data Driven Marketing
TBS - Toulouse
- Full Professor in Strategic Management
SKEMA Business School - Paris
- Assistant or Associate Professors in Accounting, Consumer Behaviour, Digital Marketing, Economics, Energy, Entrepreneurship, Finance, Financial Risks, Geopolitics, HRM, Information Systems, Law, Marketing and Supply Chains
Grenoble Ecole de Management - Grenoble
- Associate Professor or Professor, Corporate Finance
EDHEC Business School - Nice
- Assistant Professor,Associate Professor or Professor, Human Resource Management
EDHEC Business School - Lille
- Associate Professor or Professor, Entrepreneurship
EDHEC Business School - Lille
- Assistant Professor or Associate Professor or Professor, Strategy
EDHEC Business School - Lille
France / Germany
- Assistant or Associate Professor in Data Analysis / Statistics / Information Systems
ICN Business School Nancy, Metz, Paris, Berlin et Nuremberg - Nancy, Metz, Paris / Berlin, Nuremberg
- Assistant / Associate Professors in Marketing
ICN Business School Nancy, Metz, Paris, Berlin et Nuremberg - Nancy, Metz, Paris / Berlin, Nuremberg
New Zealand
United Kingdom
United States
To learn more about these and other positions, we invite you to visit our website at www.akadeus.com and / or to register as a candidate.
Interested in posting a job vacancy, or get more information? Contact us at job@akadeus.com or click https://www.akadeus.com/post-your-job-advertisements,d51.html