Project SIMPLE - Erasamus+ EU programme for education

Final Conference of the SIMPLE Project


Bridge the gap between academic and professional sector


Final Conference of the SIMPLE project, co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, was held on 27 August 2019 at Kasetsart University in Bangkok, Thailand.

Nearly 100 international participants got the opportunity to bridge the gap between academic and professional sector. Speakers and representatives from Embassies, Ministries, universities (staff, teachers, and students), other projects, governmental and private sector discussed their experiences from different perspectives and cross-border insight.

During the fruitful Conference, project outcomes were presented by nine project representatives from universities in EU (Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic) and Asia (Cambodia, Indonesia, Thailand). Project SIMPLE has a positive impact on cooperation between universities and industry. At six Asian universities (Kasetsart University, Prince of Songkla University, Tadulako University, Bogor Agricultural University, University of Battambang, Royal University of Agriculture) were established or improved Alumni and Career Centres (AC/CC). The Platform for cooperation was created to guarantee an increase in the sustainable success of the involvement of future employers in academic activities. Project outputs in the field of AC/CC activities for platform extension, events (Career days), internships and soft skills trainings were step by step presented. Concluding three successful years of the SIMPLE project, lessons learnt and recommendations for the best practices for cooperation between academic and professional sector were shared.

The outputs of the Final Conference, as well as results of the SIMPLE project, will be available soon at in the Final Study of the SIMPLE project.

