International Conference, PISAI (Thailand 11-12 Jan, 2021)
The 1st International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture and Aquaculture for Well Being and Food Security
The 1st International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture and Aquaculture (ICSAA) for Well Being and Food Security was organized by the Faculty of Natural Resources, Prince of Songkla University in Thailand on 11 and 12 January 2021. The conference was organized with support of PISAI project and FTA is the active partner of this project financed by the Erasmus+ programme.
The students and staff of the FTA participated the conference with poster or oral presentations. FTA student of International Development and Agricultural Economics study programme, Mr. Lim Techhong, got the price for Second Runner Oral Presentation to appreciate his presentation with the topic „Consumer’s Attitudes Toward Insect Consumption in Cambodia“. Academic staff of FTA, Petra Chaloupková and Olga Leuner, presented the topic “To Work or Not to Work in Agriculture? Perspectives and Expectations of Students and Employers in Thailand” during the special session of the conference and they summarized the data and research outputs collected within the implementation of EU projects PISAI, SIMPLE and ASK Asia.
Video presentation and pictures of the ICSAA Conference 2021 are available at the PISAI project websites and the conference website.