Traditional Career Day at the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague was held on 23rd February 2017. The aim of the Career Day is to facilitate connections between prospective employers and...
Petra Chaloupkova as a project coordinator and Chutima Tantikitti as a leader of WP3 have participated the Capacity Building projects meeting on behalf of SIMPLE project consortium held in...
Project SIMPLE Representatives from Prince of Songkla University and Kasetsart University attended Cluster meeting of Erasmus + Capacity Building in Higher Education Projects / Thailand 18th...
Position of a student in an organization, with or without payment, to gain work experience or satisfy requirements for an academic qualification.
A trainee is commonly...
The official Kick-off Meeting of the project SIMPLE: Support of International Platform Merging Labour and Education was held at the Czech University of Life Sciences (CULS) Prague from 24th till 26th...
Project SIMPLE coordinator attended Erasmus + Info Day: Seminar on International Dimension of Erasmus + Programme in Higher Education. During the workshop project SIMPLE was presented as a good...