Project Erasmus+ SIMPLE organizes training course for staff of Asian Alumni Centres
The University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU) will host the Erasmus+ project SIMPLE representatives of Asian and European partner Universities for “Training course for staff of Asian Alumni Centres at BOKU” from 9th till 13th October 2017. Representatives from Cambodia, Indonesia, Thailand, Austria, Belgium and the Czech Republic will meet with the best experts, working with students and alumni.
The aim of the Training is sharing of the best experience for establishing alumni centres in Cambodia and to increase the efficiency of existing centres at Indonesian and Thai partner universities. Furthermore, Training will support mutual enrichment of universities for inclusion and further cooperation with graduates.
During five days of intensive Training, the results of “Assessment study of the examples of good practises of Alumni Centres” will be discussed, experts will present the most widely used services in the field alumni centres, promotion, social media, internships, and practical experience for organizing events for alumni. The end of the training will be focused to teamwork of European and Asian representatives, which will assess the activities of alumni centres so far and propose concrete steps to make them more effective.
The most important findings and practical experience will be summarized and included into the “Assessment study of the examples of good practises of Alumni centres”, available from November 2017 on